
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - Feburary 2013

A marvellous & effective treatment of Pyloric Stenosis
(Muhammad Shahnawaz; Kohat)

My friend, who is also my neighbour, his wife is suffering from gastric ailment. The pain due to pyloric stenosis was killing her. She fainted many times due to severe pain. He used to take her to the hospital in emergency. She used to recover temporarily due to high potency injections, medicines and drips but faced the same problem the next day. Two painful years passed, they had to face very difficult circumstances, his all wealth was spend on her treatment ,he had to take loans for her treatment. And was now hand to mouth. His personal life effected badly, and then he came to know that it is the matter of evil magic. He took her to many aamils, they earned more than the doctors from him, but all was in vain... He was now more depressed and came to me for financial help. I already knew all their circumstances. I felt very sad for them. They had treatments from very renowned doctors, so how could I mean to them. But now when they came to me hopeless, I asked them to make a medicine for her.
Then I consulted my friend doctor in Sialkot, and told him all her symptoms, hearing everything he asked me not to bring the patient here, and told that he will prescribe certain medicines for her to use, he also asked me to treat her.
She felt only in first dose, I then start giving her medicine thrice a day with Luke warm water. I was happy to see that she felt a little pain only once during this treatment of five weeks. His husband seems to be very happy as well, and discuss that medicine with everybody.

Formula is:

SENNA LEAVES (Sana makki): 21.50g
ANISEEDS (saunf):10.75g
MASTIC GUM (Mastagiroomi): 21.75g
CANDY SUGAR (misri): 64.50g
Make it in powder form and have ½ spoons thrice a day with water

(M SaleemShahzad; DuniyaPur)

Nazar-e-bad (Bad eye) / excessive crying of child / child not having milk:
Say SURAH MUTAFFIFIN (30th p) to immediately quieten a crying child.Inshallah this amal will start affecting immediately (Always recite DuroodShareef in the beginning and ending)

  • Recite the Surah and blow in the right ear; then recite it and blow in the left ear
  • Recite the Surah and blow in the right nostril (nose); then recite it and blow in the left nostril
  • Recite the Surah and blow in the right eye; then recite it and blow in the left eye
  • Recite the Surah and blow in the mouth

For Bad Eye (Nazar-e-Bad): Take the ablution water of the person whose bad eye has affected; flow a strain of it on the patient’s stomach. InshaAllah one will soon get rid of bad eye. 
Recite the following on sugar. Add it in milk & give it to the affected to drink. Otherwise, blow it directly on the patient:

  • Surah Falaq:3 times
  • Surah Naas: 3 times
  • Darood e Ibrahimi: 3 times
  • YaSalaamo: 33 times
  • Ayat al kursi: 3 times

Most special amal:
For bad-eye / bedtime fears / excessive crying:

Write complete Surah Asar 1100 times and put it in the flowing water like river, lake or stream. This will be the zakat for this amal. Then give its charm to anybody, by writing it on a paper, and also put it in a child’s neck. It is very effective for nazar-e-bad, excessive crying and bedtime fears. Otherwise write Surah Asar 7 times on a paper & dissolve it in water. Add this either in zamzam or the mosque water and let the child drink it. It’ll prove to be icing on cake. Write after performing ablution

NOTE: sometimes children cry due to ear-ache or stomach-ache so take care of it. You can even dip its charm in naunihaal, janamghutti& give to drink. It is a very effective amal. May ALLAH protect us all. (Ameen)


For Anaemia, calcium deficiency, backache, pain in calves; also effective for Gonorrhoea:  

  • Raalsufaid 0g
  • Singharaykhushq (water chestnut)          50g
  • Mocharas (Semul gum)50g
  • Patrifolad 25 g
  • KamarKus 25 g
  • Gondhkateera 50 g
  • LodhPathani 50g
  • Suparilal (red betel) 50g
  • Dhania (coriander) 50 g
  • Kushtamarjansada 25 g
  • Kushtasadaf 10 g
  • Misri (white lump sugar)                    250g

Make the mixture in powder form. Take it 5-10 grams twice a day with milk. Refrain from consuming constipation-triggers, fried things, sour (khatai), samosa, pakora, naan, hot spices and chooran.

Likoria, uterus problems, dysentery and heavy bleeding:

Pomegranate husk (ChilkaAnaar) 100 g
Silicate of magnesia (Sang Jarah) 100g
White sandalwood (Sandal sufaid) 10g
Elettariacardamomum (IllaichiKhurd) 10g Misri (candy sugar) 200 g
KushtaBaizaMurgh 10g

Make a powder mixture of all components and take 3-5 grams with milk twice a day.

For gonorrhoea:

It’s very painful and dangerous disease. It causes burning in that particular vaginal area. Its patient fierce to pass urine as it is very painful due to burning caused by the excretion of yellow dirty matter. This is a contagious disease. If a healthy person passes urine where the infected person has already passed, he may catch it too.

Make sat beroza yourself or buy of a good company.

Sat beroza 53.75 gram
A good quality lobankham 53.75 gram

Grind it well and mix, take 1-2 pints with lassi twice a day. Take tthis medicine for 8 days. The patient will start becoming healthy in 3 days. Consume water &lassiin excess or drink sherbet bazoori. Also drink milky lassi.

ablution water on beaRD & rid OF arthritis
(Omar Amjad; Sahiwal)

Respected Hakeem sahib! It’s my personal observation that the Allah bestows healing through the water of beard. I have its vast experience as I am totally safe from arthritis because of this amal. Just think! How is it possible? I have a keen observation on it that the water after ablution which remains on the face & beard for few minutes is the cause of healing. If someone massages this water on the effected joint it will soon make you get rid of this pain. I ALHAMDOLILLAH have a beard and the person who does not have it; keep the beard to experience this healthy tip.

Ladies can also massage the water remaining on their faces after ablution to the affected area. InshaAllah they will get rid of all kinds of pains

Respected Hakeem sahib! I have not heard this remedy or tip from anybody; it’s my personal experience and observation. I do this amal myself. This treatment is totally free of cost. No one in my house has ever suffered arthritis only because of this tip.

Readers! Try this and spread my message as the water of ablution and DAROOD SHAREEF are the eternal truths & both have the healing powers.

a Cure TO all diseases in just Rs. 10:
(MudassirFurqan; Karachi)

Respected readers! Here I am sharing my experience which will InshAllah benefit a lot of people. This is a very minor tip! Anybody, men or woman suffering from any type of wound, pain, allergy, sores or eruptions, or any other problem should rub a 10 RS note 3 times on the affected part of body and give it to a needy. Mark this note and don’t mix it with others. Do this amal until daily in the morning. Continue allopathic treatment along with it. Insha Allah the ailment would cure as if it never existed. Practice this amal until you are 100% fit. One more thing I want to share with all Muslims through ubqari that today it’s the time of Hurley burley .This depressed time is not hidden from anybody. Everyone is in danger; no one’s life is safe. According to hadith SADAQAH gives protection against all kinds of evils.  I request all the Muslims to give sadqa every morning at least 10RS.

My personal experience:  Daily in the morning after taking bath and offering ablution, I come to my room & rub 10RS on my whole body, from top to toe, and give to a needy when I go out for work after doing breakfast.
It is my request to all the readers of Ubqari to keep the ablution all the time and to give sadqa of at least 10 RS. Inshallah it will always keep you safe and protect you from problems.
This amal will help you in getting rid of any type of disease even if it is a heart disease or gangrene. The only condition is your faith and confidence. Do this amal until you acquire health. Heart patients should wave it over their heart. Everyone should circle the money according to his ailment. Continue touching the 10 Rs note on the affected area & giving it as sadaqah until you regain health.

Aamaal saved life
(ToobaKulsoom; Chakwaal)

I went for the condolence of my sister’s sister in law’s son. It was very cloudy & winds turned the weather cold. People took the janaza around 2pm. Then I asked my sister to pray. She said to go home first. I went in the room and offered my zuhr prayers. After completing all my supplications’ i.ie a tasbih of 3rdkalma and istaghfaar I came out and sat on a folding bed kept near the wall. Suddenly wind blew and the tent started moving. The wall was not strong; when the rope moved, a brick from the roof fell on my head but as we all know that the protector is greater than the attacker.
Believe me, it was either the barkat of salat; barkat of the kalma or His special mercy as he is most powerful; He can change fate and knows about life and death. I didn’t even get a scratch on my head; although the brick fell on my head from the 1st storey floor.
Whenever I recall this incident I start praising my ALLAH. I then offer nafil of shukrana. O Allah! Thank you for granting me a new life. Isn’t it a lesson teaching incident so that I should thank Him all the time?
Besides my daily supplications, I recite the following thrice in the morning and thrice in the evening:

‘Bismillah hill lazilaayazurruma'asmihi..’   بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الَّذِیْ لَایَضُرُّ مَعَ اِسْمِہٖ

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